Celebs & Movie Premiers

So if trying to find your favorite celebrity on the streets isn’t working out for you, and there is no way you can afford to buy a concert ticket to one of their concerts…how on earth are you supposed to meet them?!!

Well if you live in London, Los Angeles, New York, or any other major city…it’s called MOVIE PREMIER.

I watch a mass amount of youtubers on YouTube and I was lucky enough to see all of my favorites here in London. Two of the guys I watch (Caspar Lee & Joe Sugg) came out with a movie that premiered last night in Leicester Square and they hosted a red carpet event for their movie. I obviously went because I knew all of their friends and family who I also love on YouTube would be there. This was one of my favorite things I have done in London and the best part was it was FREE. Red carpets are free to go stand in and wait to see/meet your favorite celebs!


Also, if your favorite celebrity is a musician,model, or actor, there are so many opportunities to be a seat filler at award shows or entering to win free tickets to award /talk shows. 1iota is an amazing website that gives you access to free events!


Here are some pictures I took of some of my favorite YouTubers!



Jim Chapman


Zoe Sugg (Zoella), Louise, Alfie Deyes (PointlessBlog)


Caspar Lee

2 thoughts on “Celebs & Movie Premiers

  1. Danielle Hurst Photo says:

    I feel like you’ve had such good luck with finding celebrities in London, its crazy! Especially these free events that you find. I myself am not really into many Youtubers but have a few that I watch on a weekly basis. Have you ever heard of Grace Hielbeg? She makes extremely funny videos on Youtube and is recently acting in movies and such. It blows my mind how so many people are becoming famous just because they are posting videos of themselves out there for the public. Who is your favorite Youtuber?


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