3 pounds for a meal….SAY WHAT?!

Do you want to save your money for cool trips? Do you not want to worry about eating out for dinner/lunch every night?  I have two beautiful words for you to live, learn, and breathe… IT’S MEAL DEAL PEOPLE!! (along with other tips and tricks)

1.) MEAL DEAL– If you are living in London, or anywhere in England; there is a little something called the 3 pound meal deal. Yes, i said it, 3 pounds for a meal. You have your choice of any hoagie, pasta dish, salad, or any main course like so, along with any drink, and any chocolate or fruit pack FOR THREE POUNDS. This will save your bank account because you are literally spending 3 pounds…. You’re welcome


2.) Pasta= BFF –  When grocery shopping, invest in different pasta’s and sauces. This will last you a couple of weeks and will save you some moola while you’re eating up on your carbs


3.) Student ID Card– Wherever you want to buy food at any restaurant or store, always ask the cashier if they have any student discounts. You never know who offers them!!

4.) LIMIT– Try to limit what you spend every week on groceries. Plan your weeks ahead and see how much you are willing to spend on food per week. If you are going away one weekend, plan on not buying a bunch of food that will expire and good bad while you’re away. If you know you are staying in the country for a couple of weeks you may want to spend a little more on dinners and lunches so you do not have to eat out all the time.

I hope these four tips will help you save some cash along the way!

5 thoughts on “3 pounds for a meal….SAY WHAT?!

  1. karamilsteinabroad says:

    These are suuuch great recommendations!! Here are two more recommendations: there are usually really great deals for lunch time, and you can take home leftovers! Same with buffets, I know I have passed by tons of Indian and Chinese food buffets where you can really get a bang for your buck.


  2. palmermorgan says:

    I agree with the meal deal, I think it is such a money saver and you actually get a lot for the money you spend. I think my biggest challenge with food shopping here is not being able to cook because of how little our kitchens are. Back in Philly, I would cook chicken a lot but here in London I can’t really cook that much. Pasta has become a must for me. Have you found any pasta sauces you enjoy? I’ve had trouble finding flavors I like as they seem to taste different here. Hit me up with any more food advice you have, I’m always looking to save some cash!


  3. Danielle Hurst Photo says:

    These are such great tips! I am always trying to save money in every way possible. My student ID and Nesco card have saved me a ton of money. In case you didn’t know, there is a deal that WaitRose has where students get free coffee every day. All you need to do is order a card online and they send it to your address. I thought it was too good to be true, but it really works and is so convenient.


  4. Louis Finley says:

    This is my first time reading your blog. It’s a great idea. I’ve done the pasta and pasta sauce in the beginning, but compared to my diet at home, it’s not healthy. After break, I decided to get back on a proper healthful eating regiment of chicken, vegetables and brown rice. I think it’s knowing where to get the deal. Each market is cheaper in various areas. It’s having the patience to find them.


  5. elizabethjerdman says:

    Great tips! I love the meal deal, its also great that they offer vegetarian options so almost anyone can have them. Also, good reminder about the Student ID card. I only use it when I go to burrito café but I should whip that out more often….


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