The Many Perceptions of Luxury and its’ Multiple Meanings

“there will never be a common ground when it coms to how luxury is defined” I completely agree with this Dara! Everyones perception of luxury is different depending on your upbringings and how you have lived your life. To some; individual’s luxuries might be a necessity and and to others, their necessities will be their luxury. It all depends and you can never really define a set luxury because it all depends.


What is Luxury? What is Luxury?

To live a luxurious life and to posses luxurious items are goals and aspirations to most. However, the noun defined as, a free or habitual indulgence in or enjoyment of comforts and pleasures in addition to those necessary for a reasonable standard of well-being, may not necessarily be understood the same way to some as it is to others. The different misconceptions and understanding of luxury are due to nature and nurture; where you are from, how you are raised, and even how your brain is genetically wired. The “What is Luxury?” exhibit at the V&A Museum expresses to its’ audience that creators of luxury are inspired by passion and curiosity, which I believe is a mutual understanding to all. What might give some pleasure, seem extraordinary or non-essential…

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Guide to Surviving London

Hello everyone! I am living across the pond this semester and wanted to share some tips on how to ‘do London’. What I mean by “do London” is basically how to fit into the culture and learn the ways of the typical Londoner. I have been here for about a month now and wanted to share some things I picked up on while being out of my element here in Europe.

How to Do London

1.) DRESS TO IMPRESS —  Once you step into the land of fashion, you will observe every single person walking past you and you will cry just a little on the inside as to what they are wearing opposed to what you are wearing. I have learned that every person here dresses to impress all day every day. My tip to you: do not wear sweats, sweatshirts,  or pajama looking clothes while you are out and about in London. I know you are all used to wearing yoga pants with a baggy shirt or sweatshirt but stay away from those habits due to the fact you are living in one of the most expensive cities to live in.

2.) STAY TO THE RIGHT — Whenever you will be on an escalator, always stay to the right hand side. I call it the fast pass lane in which all the people who are in a rush run up/down the escalator on the left hand side and all the lazy people stand to the right hand side. If you do not do this you will have some angry person glare at you or ask you to move ( there are signs all throughout the stations telling you to stand to the right incase you forget).

3.)  KEEP QUIET– You will need to take the tube/train from time to time if you are not in walking distance to places you want to go to. What us Americans didn’t realize was that no one talks on the tube, it is pretty silent the whole time and it is weird. I can’t go a long time without talking to someone or having some noise surrounding me without it being utterly boring or awkward so being on the tube was a weird experience for me. You get occasional talkers who just chat with their mates but the overall community on the tube is silent with a hint of international kids yelling across the cart to their friends.

Hope these helped!

Is Privacy Even A Thing?

What is considered private in our lives? What do we think is private, but actually has been revealed to many? Who has access to our personal information and secrets we have kept for years? These are the questions everyone is longing for but will never know for sure.IMG_3258

Most every person in todays’ world has some type of technological device they use daily that has some access to their personal information. Just by setting up a cell phone, computer, kindle, etc. your personal information is required and is out in the system forever (For instance, I just downloaded a new software to my phone and it asked me right away to turn on my location services). If this is the case, what information is truly kept private?

If it were up to me, all personal information should be kept private; your address, phone number, name, ect. But realistically speaking, most everything about you is not private except for things you have never told/ written down to anyone/anything (maybe). The upside to different apps and websites knowing our information is so the people running those sites can gather information about the users and create even better content to keep their audience content. If they can see a certain age group using one app/website over another, they are going to add or change certain things to make whatever it is more appealing to that audience. All in all there are positives and negatives regarding what information people have about us, but it is up to us to decide when enough is enough.

America vs Britain 

Although these countries both speak the same language, there is a cultural difference regarding privacy. In the United States, people tend to be a lot more open about most things. We like to know things, we like to ask questions, and we like to get into other people’s business even if we shouldn’t. Yes we like our privacy, but compared to other countries, we are a lot more open and curious. The majority of people living in Britain are very closed off and not as vocal as American citizens. They tend to keep to themselves and mind their own business. Yes we are all human and like to invade people’s privacy, but different countries have different ways of going about it and thats what makes us unique.